Mysteries of the Fijis

Summer Slackers' Letters from 1974 and 1972!

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The following is The Fist's honors project "A Wander by Skip and Ripple" as annotated by Huge:

"The images skip sharply as if across a ripple-less pond. The ripples spread and overlap and superimpose and war against each other across a tableau of ninety thousand words. was going to write............. kid at traffic.. news at eleven... Nig at nine..... Grumbles never made it out of the gate that night .... classic............... but who was the best hood ornament and they still blame the mask..............butit was Willie's favorite cocktail....,the AS Soper right out of the cabinet.............. as he would say if it'll knock a horse on it's ass...better be good ... I'll havvanudder................Not beads on a string, not the "curve of an emotion,", the ripples are the curve of language layering itself in symbol and rhythm: a mosaic of the life of the artist as a young man. and those were AS sopers ...right out of columbus HO-hio......... as Willie use to say......... sheet if it''ll knock a horse on it's ass............. lemmeee hayve 'nuther the best might be KID at a Dave Mason concert at OHIO U,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, too many AS............. hey just take some speed lets see ........ 2+ 2-1=2+1 more or l our house never was very big on that math thing

James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is not autobiography, is not naturalistic, is not heroic myth, nor does Portrait fit into a neo-Thomist scheme of Joyce’s lifework. C2 H5 OH for all you CHEM 101 fans is the chemical compound called alcohol which just happens to be the primary component of EVERCLEAR ( no it's not a mouthwash, nor a douche) it is grain alcohol................ no taste, no smell no skank.............. just a pinch between the cheek and gum, hang on kids.............. "free ride"..... otherwise known as "shine" moon pie white dog white lit'nin fuel rocket fuel ....... toolie'feoolie............. as thebuzzer use to say.............. you get fucked up just picking the glass up................ later thehuge

Autobiography translates to essayistic ego-conceit in Stephen Hero; events in Portrait become drama only in the spiral of language—the events are embedded in words and alone the words of the lone Stephen Dedalus: le monologue interieur. FRIDAY NIGHT starts at 4pm runs till whenever....... cookout..... open bar etc. JUNE 3d FIJI ISLAND PARTY suggestions on cookout food ? the GRANVILLE INN will be doing the cooking sorry NEWman's .. "king of the burnt wing-ding"

"The dance of feelings has its objective correlative in the dance of words." And stage may be Stephen’s mind, but the theatre is the theatre of language, where symbol be protagonist, images the players, and the play’s the thing—a rhythmic soliloquoy of age zero to age twenty in the life of an adolescent aesthete whose pride goes hand in hand with the Fall. how do I put a notice on the FIJI site to post the activities for the reunion weekend............ we have the PATIO at the GRANVILLE INN..... I would like to turn it into a FIJI ISLAND...." what a long strange trip"............. 30 more / back to Deni-doo PARTY starts at 4pm have a cookout right there so people don't have to drive all over hell's half to get some chow.....we can probably party on the patio all night if we want..... those who want to go up on the Hill with Toest to parade in the vaunted "parade of cl asses" may do so.......... I say we all kick in a "c" note to cover expenses............. I'll have shirts made up... maybe hats too................. I say open bar.................... anyone can crash........... kick in cash to cover beer and wine (say $25.oo) and chow............. mixed drinks bottles of scotch, sissie drinks handle on a cash bar basis let me know what you think the huge

The aesthete is in search of a father-artificer, the adolescent exile is on a chord not of silence and cunning but upon fear, desperation, and wounded pride: the heroic affirmation is yet to be made; Portrait moves on the level of crafted imagery toward irony, on the level of naturalism toward egoism. just who is Gina Kolita,,,,,,,,, and why does she like old fat (but not too hefty) grey haired cigarchomping golfing frat boys who have trouble dealing with left-wingnuts with butch tendencies  The images, spreading out in ironic non-concentric ripples, how about getting the keys to the FIJI LODGE for a little get-together on Saturday say about 3 ............... Hawk amp .. some good sun and a wading pool...sounds like a FIJI Islet party..............................find rhythm in the concentrated surge and decline, crest and trough of montage, . the center of the universe as we all know it could very well be in central Ohio, not far from the "Heart of Ohio Motel" ............... the ball is already rolling on this one........ ....... news at eleven........... who- all is in? as you'all know this one is '''''''''''''''''' 74 '75 and that illustrious class of '76............. which I'm told includes a few five and six year plan "FIJI's" I know that ZAP is going to be a no show......busyfollowing the "bled" SOX........ they missed Pedro at the White House yesterday..... Schilling got top billing, Cheney wanted to go after Damon and give him a haircut................ later thehuge sort of: association becomes juxtaposition which may shade into layered superimposition built into a clustering, only to suffer fragmentation in the next juxtaposition: Robert Ryf calls it tension-relaxation, inflation-deflation. (not being on an informal "one on one " with the toest-man)............. Jack ...just remember where ever you go............. there you are.............. and not being one to have been counted


The following story without attribution has been received:

"News, Grumbles and I got the idea to drive down to Ohio U to ___ some _____.  News said that he had a friend who had some for sale.  We needed a ride. I think News' car was in the shop.  Anyway, Vinnie had just gotten his new Saab -- dark green as I remember -- from his loving parents.  Of course, it was a 'wee wee good car fur hem,' but News liked it even more. News somehow "persuaded" Vinnie to give him the keys for a short drive. After copious quantities of ___ and ___, about midnight we peel out of frat row headed for southern Ohio -- you know, a mission from God type thing -- in Vinnie's car.  We drive around O U for about an hour and never see anyone. I'm in the back seat in the prone position with News at the wheel and Grumbles as navigator.  About 2 miles out of Granville on the way back the sun is coming up, beautiful day.  I hear Grumbles say, "look at that deer."  Then, "oh shit."  Then "BANG!"  Dead deer, crushed front end of the Vinnie mobile. Some Gomer comes by - throws the dead deer in his pickup - and leaves us standing there.  We return the car, and of course no one wanted to wake Vinnie from his sound sleep to tell him.  When we did, just like in Animal House, we told Vince when he whined about the condition of his car, "Face it Vince, you fucked up -- you trusted us"

As I recall, he was able to drive the car home to show his parents the evidence of  what good fraternity brothers he had..."

The following description of events during the fall of 1974 is dated Nov. 1976 but unverifiable:

"…Senior year at Denison was one of the wildest, craziest, most happy of my life. At the beginning of the fall, the Fiji house was within a semester of going under if we didn’t get a good pledge class. So we persuaded the alumni to get together and contribute a heaping warchest, and instead of appealing to the intellect and idealism of the freshmen, we literally blew their socks off by blowing off most of our classes and throwing party after party, weekday in and weekend out, for seven straight weeks during rush. First few days of school, we had the Registration afternoon-and-all-night party we threw with 25 kegs which attracted 2,000 people to the Phi Gam porches, lawn and rooms—90 percent of the entire goddam school. Then the Monday night football games we’d set up 4 TVs in the living room, invite all the freshmen down to the house, and guzzle and slurp Schlitz Malt Liquor till we all went stark raving berserk and went out to raise fantasy-land hell up and down Fraternity Row, e.g. shooting off fireworks and Roman Candles, screaming at the Taus, painting the Phi Delt lions, firing off rockets with the Betas. One vision I have of myself is standing on the top of the roof of the Tau house, screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs while Bill Ichord, the chairman of Men’s Judicial Council, an ATO and self-proclaimed admirer of my political views during the daylight hours, but not me of him, tries to sweet talk me down off the roof: "Now, ____, you’re okay, you’re going to be all right, you’ve just had a bit too much to drink, we’ll help you get down so you don’t fall, now let’s be reasonable and talk this over man-to-man…." And then there was the Halloween Party at the house where everybody got ___ before the party and then dressed in outrageous costumes, like my pink bellbottoms, turquoise sportscoat, new white Converse hightops, Captain America socks, yellow vinyl shirt, hair slicked back, black gloves, motorcycle shades and a working switchblade I used to scare the shit out of Doodah. Near the end of rush, I have a hazy memory of ___ and I entertaining 20 freshmen crammed into the second floor single suite, all of us standing up, and I suddenly notice there are more ___ passing around than there are people in the room.

The Fiji House took 30 pledges that year, more than any other house and ten more than we needed to survive…."

The following manuscript has been received without attribution, dated 1971:

October, 1971 – Fiji Life

"Another adventure I had was dune buggying with Greek, Lehigh, J-Mark, Hostetler and Collins on the I.M. field when quite _____. Larry Ledebur did catch Lehigh though. Also, when Barnesy, Talbs and I went to the Truck Stop one Saturday night after drinking it on, Barnesy was so drunk he almost wrecked the car on the way out going off the road, couldn’t eat his six-pack of eggs, passed out in the parking lot, almost ran into a train on the way back, and passed out at the wheel waiting for the train to go by with his hood under the crossing gate.

On Friday, October 1, Childs, Barnes, Talbs, Doodah and I got ahold of a half gallon of gin and drank it on before a socializer at the Union. Then we picked up dates at the socializer and came back to the house for a porch party. The next day was Homecoming, and our room was in constant use. After I took my parents back, I drank keg beer at the house etc. with J.Mark. Homecoming also included the week and a half visit by Chumper Colwell, the deranged egomaniac with delusions of grandeur who was intent on buying the Cleveland Indians and making bets on the World Series with everyone in the house, barring none. Seriously, Chumper was quite a basket case, if one could stop a second to take him seriously.

Next weekend was Parents Weekend, and because my parents did not come I waited tables for lunch, joking with good old Mr. Talbert, drinking with everyone at the cocktail party, and playing bridge with J.Lar, Tinker and Lehigh, who got hilariously drunk on a pint of Southern Comfort. Everybody thought for sure D Day would be Tuesday night the 12th, as that was the night of the Traffic concert, but somebody blew it, for there were no bells ringing. We got ______ anyway, and went down to the great concert. Six of us sat on the bars and supports above the track and dug the music. Very good concert. We finally started getting psyched for rush (pledging was only two and a half weeks away) and had the suites opening the next night, Wednesday the 13th. We also planned a big Wednesday night I-don’t-give-a-damn party for the next week.

The Wednesday night party was wildly successful. The beer was very effective, and we got fined $100 by IFC for dirty rushing, and I had a pretty good time with _____. The weekend of the 23rd, there was a ten keg party at the Beta house. We got pretty ____ and sat in the living room roaring at Barnesy telling Li’l Ed the facts of life. Also, Courtney was so drunk, he slipped and fell flat on his ass in the front hall. The week of October 25- October 30, I blew off all studying, as rushing became desperate. I’ll never forget that week. We had been going to the Stein rather than the townie-crowded Market this fall. I went once with Chimples, Dale Roberts and Pam Watt to the Top Hat Lounge after the Stein closed. That was the night J.Mark and I woke up Susan Cays at 3.30 in the morning. Anyway, back to that last week of rush, on Wednesday we went into the Stein with Rob Parsons, Ross Chapin and Mack Rau. We all got pretty loaded. Then on Thursday, Ross and Rob came back with us, we got very drunk, went to Beaver for a party, Cash got pissed because everybody ditched him and Susie Johnson, and Talbs and I went up to Kathy Plummer’s floor of Shaw with some other freshmen. Then I went over to Shepardson and found Childs and Barnes in Vicki Cashdollar’s and Peggy Sale’s suite. We went down to Monomoy with Talbs and Barnes on the hood of the car and Peter driving, we came back up, we went to the ‘Gam house, found some beer, and, if I remember correctly, J.Mark, Lars and I broke into the kitchen. Friday was last formal visitation. Saturday at six pm all of us were super nervous, and we remained that way until almost nine o’clock, when a lot of pledges came all at once. We eventually got sixteen, not bad for so little rush. I was pretty drunk from keg beer already when we went out to the Truck Stop, but I got even more so, playing Whales Tails with a couple girls and some pledges in my room with a twelve pack as the stakes. We finished twelve beers in about 40 minutes and I was really zooed. I asked Henry to borrow his car; he was drunk, he said, yes, it’s parked on the Taus’ lawn. I thought he was kidding, but, no, there it was, neatly pulled up on the Taus’ lawn. I drove over to Shepardson and passed out with _____. Sunday we had Theta kiss-in, I don’t remember the girl I kissed in, we finished off two kegs super fast back at the house, I picked up ______ and danced out the best of my life at the D.U. house listening to oldies on a Sunday night when everyone else was studying."